How many of us actually, foresee working through the day, and not crib..... how many don't suffer from a MOnday Blues, syndrome....
to a large extent , our lives revolve around our jobs, is'n it?????? We spend most part of our day working, and the rest of the day, inevitably depends on, what , where, and how, we worked....!!!!!!!
Recently, i was out on an Adventure camp, with a batch of consultants from one of the top notch database management companies...... the idea was to break the ice between them and deliver them back to their cubicles , as a functional entity, usually called a TEAM!!!! I had at my disposal, 48 hrs, n a lot of adventure activities, i could use to my credit.
This is my third job, in the two, actually 1.5 yrs of a certain Career... Made some erratic decisions... n made some good ones... Hey!! but no qualms on that... " we gotta keep walking" ... rite!!!!.. , "its what we learn from it, that's imp"....n the cliche surfaces again.
ASK QUESTIONSRule 1, in my experience book, is to ask as many questions as possible......
I recently read this article by SUBROTO BAGCHI- Titled " the cucumber seller of Chennai", a fantastic article about, his encounter with a cucumber seller in Chennai.. It flawlessly describes, information, as a tool to self advancement....
Tho, m not a software engineer by profession, i have been watching a bunch of novice s/w professionals work at our software development centre.... Guess they are writing a CO DEC for video streaming , on a wi-fi bandwith... I realised this bunch of really intelligent girls and guys, who were plugged on to their computer, were diligently carrying out the work assigned to them at the, start of the day... I had been closely following their work pattern and this helped me trouble shoot the consultants , who werep part of the camp.
The consultants who were a part of this camp had just executed a certain project presentation, n were down n out, cause, their presentation din manage an iota of appreciation from their project manager, n team lead....
WHERE DId they GO WRONG!!!!!!!!
THats when i realised the value of RULE 1: to them the project was really difficult to execute, and the presentation was something, that they had to work even harder on... but wht they did not put into perspective was the end user.... the CUSTOMER!!!! and the only way they could have eliminated this disaster was to find out where their tool is to be incorporated.. n more importantly, by WHOM... and the best way to have achieved is to ASK.
I always find it easier to work on something or executing a certain task, when i know wht the end result should be..or whom it is targeted at.... i guess thats where marketing has the edge, u r tuned in with the customer... Thats the kind of awareness i found missing!!!!!!
But again its my perception, n m not a s/w engg...