The Essence!!

"Conventionalism is the end of creativity"
Arun Ramu

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Design process...

Desiging... Well desiging to we people is something as simple as sketching a pot for our garden or a table top. U have a pencil and a few sheets... something clicks u and its there on the paper with in seconds... so the design is ready... is tht all?? Wat next?? Wat about bringin it to its form... 3D form?? sure u want to... And so here comes something unexpected to make our design impracticle... Since we don wanna face this ' something' we follow a process... we follow some steps...

First of all we make ourselves clear with wat do we wanna design... a dress or a table top or some simple poster? that is THEME.
Second we list the things that inspire us to design for the theme. That is the INSPIRATION.
Now brainstrom to help ourself come up with the right design from the inspiration and make it fit in any theme selected.
Then comes understanding of the material to be used and the technicalities without which it is pretty impossible to bring the design to its 3D form...

So designing is pretty simple... isnt it???